Hardcover, $16.95
Softcover, $ 9.95

Sereena’s Secret, Searching for Home
By Rae Ann Harris and David Weintraub

Greena Sereena loves her little island. But one day, a volcano explodes and she and her green-feathered friends must flee to another land far away, where green colored birds are forbidden to live. Sereena disguises herself so the other birds think she’s one of them. But when spring comes, Sereena has a baby bird, a green baby bird. Her secret is out and her friends cannot believe their eyes. But Sereena realizes she has nothing to be ashamed about and indeed her friends have their own secrets and their feathers are not as pure as they pretend.

Through this universal allegorical story children learn that by accepting differences, people can learn to live together without giving up their identity or their beliefs. The story is written bi-lingually in English and Yiddish allowing children of all ages and backgrounds to enjoy this tale of universal acceptance.

Pitspopany Press, 2004



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